Donald Joseph Qualls (also known as DJ Qualls) is a fashion actor and model from the United States. After achieving fame through his role on Road Trip and The New Guy Hustle & Flow he has appeared in more than 20 feature movies like The Core. Apart from his appearances on Road Trip Qualls has appeared in over 22 TV programs like Breaking Bad Supernatural Srubs Lost Law & Order etc. Qualls has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma at age 14, and has battled this disease since. The cancer had gone into remission after two years. But, initial treatment was very detrimental on his health as well as stunted development. As he was raised in poverty, he wanted to be financially secure. He said, "I've been living so cheap for so many years that I need financial security otherwise the world is going to feel chaotic to me." He also reminisces about his childhood to motivate him. It breaks my heart when I hear what DJ says. His ideal film role as well as in real life is the father. He admits that Directors do not cast DJ in such role. It's great to someday be an adult, and he will be able spend more time with his career and devote it to his son.
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